Anywhere doing good 'Macbook+stuff' bundles?

9 Dec 2003
Has anyone found any good deals on Apple Macbooks on their travels lately?

Seems like this is a pretty rare occurrence and most stores are very much in-line with the Apple Store.
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Primarily after deals not a cheaper laptop, if you get me?

Vendors who are willing to throw in software for peanuts to get the sale kind of thing.
One high street store was doing Macbook+Office for short time, something along those lines.
Having spent 2 hours fighting with my old imac tonight I might revise my plans!

Maybe it's a 'you need to get used to OSX thing' but faaaaar too much is hidden away and takes 10 mins to do the equivalent of a 30s job in Linux. Reminded me why I never use the damn thing. Hehe.
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