7 Jul 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
Anyone got experience with these monitors. Thinking about 3 for my triple screen setup


Its seems to fit my price range, 144 hz, 1080p and IPS plus Freesync
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This is the most recommended monitor I've seen for 1080p 144hz I was considering one but out of stock in most places :(
I bought a 24” monitor 18 months ago and the screen started banding etc. I made sure it was the monitor and nothing else before contacting AOC. I got a responce saying they would replace the monitor on 25th. They said a replacement would be sent out in 2-3 days and as yet nothing. Now i appreciate there may be a delay but ignoring my emails to find out what in happening in just not on. i have been in the service industry and my moto was better to give bad new than no news at all.

so i am now stressed out about this, stupid i know, its only a monitor but its one of my pet hates when companies try to take the micky
I bought a 24” monitor 18 months ago and the screen started banding etc. I made sure it was the monitor and nothing else before contacting AOC. I got a responce saying they would replace the monitor on 25th. They said a replacement would be sent out in 2-3 days and as yet nothing. Now i appreciate there may be a delay but ignoring my emails to find out what in happening in just not on. i have been in the service industry and my moto was better to give bad new than no news at all.

so i am now stressed out about this, stupid i know, its only a monitor but its one of my pet hates when companies try to take the micky

I know where your coming from, my missus had the same issue the other day, she'd ordered over £60 quid worth of material, elastic, zips etc for her business, I know it's not as much money but for about 7 weeks they ignored her emails and calls and were still sending bits to other people then finally emailed her on Friday.
Anyone got experience with these monitors. Thinking about 3 for my triple screen setup


I was using one for a couple of weeks. I got on really well with it. The display was really clear and the 144hz was responsive. Colour reproduction was good albeit brightness was slightly dim and whites were off white / greyish. The buttons underneath the bottom bezel are a complete pain in the cavity, worse than explained in every review ive seen. From your perspective, the side and top bezels are nice and thin. So would look pretty decent in multi. I must have lucked out with my panel too, no dead pixels and very limited backlight bleed / edge glow. Much better than my previous Acer XB271HK in those respects.

TBH I only returned it because I wanted something larger. I've gone with the AOC CU34g2x ultrawide

I'd definitely recommend it if I was considering a multi monitor set up. Unfortunately I dont have the space.
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