AOC CU34G2X/BK 34 - Will it work?

4 Nov 2010
Hi everyone.
I want to know if I was to get a AOC CU34G2X/BK 34 if it would run with my machine or if I would need more upgrades.

Currently I have a Samsung 1080p monitor
i7 2600k (4.2ghz)
16gb Ram
Vega 56

I currently can play Division 2 at around 40-80fps

Most games I can still enjoy at 1080p having just got a Vega 56 (from my 7950)

Unfortunately it's HDMI and this card only has 1xHDMI and Display Ports. So now my dual monitor setup when not gaming can't happen.

I'm wondering if to get the above monitor to replace dual monitors and also if it would be better for gaming with? I was thinking of a 27 Dell but then this widescreen got my attention.

What's people's thoughts? Would I still be ok or would the CPU struggle too much for gaming?

Thanks in advance.
Depending on the game of course I think it'll be your GPU that is holding you back more than anything. I have a 980TI and just upgraded to a 3440x1440 monitor, same resolution as the AOC you're looking at (I was initially going to buy the AOC!). However even fairly simple games like Wreckfest I've had to drop the quality way down to medium to even stand a chance of running 120fps at this resolution (and still had many frame drops during busy sections).

The performance hit when going from 1920x1080 to 3440x1440 is very, very significant. It's still an epic monitor I bet if it's anything like the Iiyama I got this week and I wouldn't let this dissuade you, as you can turn the quality down a bit to still enjoy your usual games. Your monitor will just have more to give for whenever you come to upgrade in the future.

What kind of games do you play anyway? And what do you prefer; high FPS or high fidelity? Depending on what you play all of my comments could be irrelevant!

Hi pal.
Thanks for the feedback. It helps a lot.
Currently I am playing the Division 2. However I have such a back log of games...apart from Cyberpunk. I'm happy to play older games.
I've never really had a system to max up to 120hz.
I think asking as I can stay around 60+ I'm happy to turn up the candy and drop some fps.

I normally play single player games or go solo, so no need for competitive gaming as I like to explore in games and take my time.

Going from a 1080p 22 inch I was thinking of 27inch 1440p as read that 1440p is a good match for my Vega 56 and I've also overclocked my card to 950,1000 memory.
The 34 ultrawide are same size as a 27inch with an added 1/3 of screen tagged on to the side, looking at the dimensions.

Main concern is how the jump would be as didn't want to fork out £4/500 on a screen and then have to build a whole new system to run it.
Then again don't want to build a system and have a 1080p screen.

So was wondering if this would be a good place holder without having to buy everything from scratch.
As nice as it would be, if I'm going to plant another 1.5k I will prob hold out for the next Ryzen as have only had my card around 8months.

How's your monitor? Is there a reason you chose that over the AOC?
Thanks in advance
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