AOL diggs deeper with Netscape

18 Oct 2002
London Town
AOL are preparing to relaunch internet dinosaur with a new social portal. Yep, it's really just another portal-site-with-a-beta-tag that are fast becoming a web design cliche. But what made me smile was what features as today's top "Hot Story!": :D
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Dj_Jestar said:
I thought NetScape was a ™ of MS now?
AOL bought the company behind Netscape a couple of years ago. Netscape (the browser) has changed quite a bit over the years and is now developed by AOL, using various bits and pieces of technology from the Mozilla codebase etc. is an AOL product.
iCraig said:
I don't care. What is there, like 7 people who still use Netscape?
Depends what you're talking about. != Netcape Browser.'s share of traffic is fairly significant, with Alexa placing it in the top 100 English-language sites on the Web (86th) and around the 50th most popular in the US. Which is certainly more than 7 people :D.

Having said that, it's reach appears to have dropped quite considerably in recent months - which probably accounts for the relaunch.

As for the Netscape browser, well yes it's probably a dead weight for AOL. It (including all versions) shares a <1% marketshare across the board... incidentally just like Opera does.

Go visit The Register, and read the article "Netscape versus Digg". Can't link directly to it, but suffice to say some of's front-end coders will be having a talking to today :D.
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