Aopen users??

4 Aug 2005

Just wanna see what specs other Aopen XC-Cube users have got. I'm thinking of some upgrades, so advise would be welcome.

Aopen EZ482
AMD Athlon64 3000+ Venice
1GB PC2700
on-board gfx - ATI x200
WD Caviar 250GB 7400rpm
Sony dl DVD

Cheers, Dango
Nice setup! :) I'm looking for a gfx card at the moment, but thought it would be best to go ATI. Interesting that you clearly don't need to. Have you managed to get the TV out working? There are quite a few posts about it at the Dr Aopen site, but no solution yet.
Yeah, good point Chaos, you wouldn't need ther duff onboard TVout if you've got it on the gfx card. Thanx for the tips Mul, I don't really think I can stretch to the GT, but I will now consider nVidea when the time comes.

What experience do you guys have in overclocking? Does the cube respond well? Will I need to replace the thermal paste that came with it? It did look well lame! I'm currently running the bios in "turbo default" mode. Has anyone tried this out? Have you seen a noticable difference?

Later, Dango
Nice Mul. I'm going to have to give it a whirl. I switched to the Bios' Turbo setting at the weekend, but didn't notice any significant difference. I noticed from the SFF case gallery that you liked to trim on Going to Cali's case. It's very professionally done. Did you ever find out where to get that trim, because I think that my cube would appreciate it.

Cheers, Dango
Hmmm, interesting. You have a very similar setup to me, other than you have two HDDs to my one. I have no heat problems (that I'm aware of) and it hasn't hung in months, despite being left on for days (sometimes weeks) at a time.

I can only think that it's due to the HDDs. I'm in the process of putting a file server together as I filled up the 250gb in no time, and two ext HDDs... and I'm getting bored of ripping to DVD. I figure that's better for the performance of the PC than wedging more / larger HDDs in there.

I'll check out this connector when I get home. I'm thinking that this could be due to the fact that the EZ482 doesn't have DVI output. For some reason Aopen decided to ditch it in this model. Probably best to get a gfx card...that might help your heat out too.

laterz, Dango
File server - I'm just going to stick a box together containing a mobo, wifi & a few hefty HDDs. That way I can dump all the large files I have hanging around onto that and leave a nice fast (but small) HDD in the main unit.

Bittorrent shouldn't cause you any problems. They can be resource hungry, but I doubt that is your problem. I reckon that it's the heat from accessing two HDDs.

OSX on a PC... not my cup of tea. Let us know how it goes. MIght be worth openning a thread to see if anyone else has done this.

I had partitioning problems when I started because those geniuses at MS decided to put a 133GB limit on XP SP1 - The short version of the story is that I ended up formatting the lot to get at the other half of my HDD.

When you talked about getting two 750GB HDDs did you mean 75GB? The largest HDD I've seen is 500GB.

LAter, Dango
I was looking at those akasa HDD coolers as well. The Akasa website says that this produces approx. 30dB. I'm not a big fan of extra noise, so if it was me I would plum for the Zalman. I hadn't noticed it before and it is a darn site cheaper than I had imagined it would be.

Nice HDD that Seagate! I'm not so sure about the cost to space ratio. This is a large part of my rationale for building a file server. That way I can stick as many optimally priced drives in there as I like.
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