Apache and PHP Problems.

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hey guys,

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good up-do-date guide for setting up the latest version of Apache with the latest version of PHP?

I’m trying to setup a development server in VMWare to test my website and forum etc.

I keep getting so far, but something always fails – I think it’s because I’m looking a various different instructions referring to different version types :(

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated ;)


Windows, Linux, OSX? Installation on each environment differs.

What's the specific [startup] error you're getting?

If you're installing Apache 2.2 with PHP 5.1.6 on Windows, then you're going to have problems. PHP haven't yet compiled a dll for Apache 2.2. Drop back to Apache 2.0.59 and you'll have more success installing, or you'll have to get the latest stable PHP from CVS.
If you're installing on VMWare then I take it guest OS choice doesn't matter? In which case, Ubuntu Server would porbably be the easiest route, just choose "Install a LAMP Server" at the main installer menu. Couldn't be easier :D. Then use SCP for file management (Google for WinSCP). Of course there are endless ways to install a server so it's up to you but this is probably the way I would go about it.

Hope this helps, null :)
Augmented said:
Windows, Linux, OSX? Installation on each environment differs.
Windows 2000 Pro, on VMWare 5.5 :)

Augmented said:
What's the specific [startup] error you're getting?
No startup error atm, but I can't run any .php?

I've been following this site to the word!


Augmented said:
If you're installing Apache 2.2 with PHP 5.1.6 on Windows, then you're going to have problems. PHP haven't yet compiled a dll for Apache 2.2. Drop back to Apache 2.0.59 and you'll have more success installing, or you'll have to get the latest stable PHP from CVS.
Yeah, I'm using both those versions atm - best off dropping back then ;)

Cheers, I'll let you know how I get on.

Still having problems :(

Am I supposed to have anything else running in my OS?

.php files still look like Notepad documents...

I found this site: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/...-php-5-with-apache-2-on-windows-in-2-minutes/ it seems a little bit over-simplified compared to some of the sites I've been looking at :rolleyes:

But I restarted Apache and everything seemed to go okay?

Is there anyway I can do a quick test to see if it actually works :)

Anything else need changing? Also, I haven't put any files into the Windows folder unlike with previous attempts...


Beansprout said:
What's in your Apache config file? :)
I've changed the name of php.ini-recommended to php.ini.

Then opened httpd.conf (in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf)
And at the end of the LoadModule section, added:
LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2.dll"

And finished by:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

In the AddType section.

Just as the website said :p

Ahhh :eek:

Thanks for your help guys, but everything is being hosted on Kent's mirror, and that’s down.

Or is for me anyway :(

Could someone else check it out?

Really appreciate the help though people!


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