Aperture or Lightroom?

8 Mar 2007
between here and there
Hey guys,

I've just ordered me a new macbook pro (15" retina display don't-you-know!) and I'm at a crossroads.

I've been using LR for a few years now, had about 4-5 different versions though the years and quite like it.

However, since I'm moving from PC to Mac I thought it might be time for a change. I like the idea of being able to do face detection in aperture. I have over 10000 images and being able to sort them by child, wife, or other family member is real selling point to me.

I'm wondering weather there are any peeps here who have used both and do they have any pearls of wisdom to impart?

Thanks for your time,
thanks for the comments guys.

I think I'll try aperture for a few days and see how i get on.

I completely fudged my LR catalogue a few months ago and lost ALL my edits from RAW files so I've got to re-do a lot of work, it's just a question of doing it this or that.

What is the face detection like?

I'm really keen on this feature but don't know anyone that's used it!
Surely you are at a T-junction :p:p:p

lol, yes. I could go left back towards MS or right towards apple. Or I could go straight on and keep running fedora :)

anyway, I have kids and always get asked to give family members pictures of them. as LR stores my images in data order it's imposable to find anything that you don't know when it was taken.

Hence why face detection is looking quite neat.
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