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Apex legends constant 50% GPU load issue

23 Apr 2020
Hi there,

Firstly, sorry if this isn’t the best place to post this.

I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out why in apex (my main game) I have 50% gpu load constantly unless I max out the settings but I still get the same frames. So same amount of frames just ups the gpu load to 70%. Running the game at native 1440p.. getting 158 frames all the time. Regardless of what I do in game with the settings. Dropping to 1080p actually gives me less frames (135ish). Any ideas?

Pc specs

I9 13900k
EVGA 3080ti FTW3
Z790 maximus hero

No cpu bottle neck. The cpu is under about 10% load on apex. It should be the opposite, I know the i9 is too powerful for the gpu and really needs a 4090 for max compatibility. But this would mean that the card should be running at 100% to keep up. Cyberpunk has it running at 95% load for example.. so it’s just apex. I’ve gone through every kind of fix around but still no change. I feel like the game is being limited somewhere but in steam I have the ‘+fps_max unlimited’ set for the game and no cap set in rivatuna. I would say it’s just a compatibility thing but I’ve seen benchmark vids of it running on a 3080ti at 200+ frames so I know it’s possible.

I’ve not oc’d the card at all so maybe that’s what’s needed? But the 50% gpu load has me thinking it’s something else.


Thanks in advance.
23 Apr 2020

Hi! Thanks for the reply!​

It’s a Gigabyte AORUS 27" FI27Q-P 2560x1440 IPS 165Hz​

It’s off in nvidia control panel and in game. Is there anywhere else it should be off that I’m forgetting?
23 Apr 2020
Ok I think I may have clocked it. This monitor has amd’s freesync, it was on and now I’ve switched it off it bumped up to 165 frames. So the g sync seems to be kicking in.

I would like to know if the frames would run past 165. How would I do this?

Thanks a lot.
23 Apr 2020
the apex game engine limited to 300 fps. To go past 165 you would need to disable gsync s as well as it will be locking to that.

Then it should render as many frames as it can and will show screen tearing as result.

Your best solution is to have gsync on and reflex on. That way the gpu will try to render as many frames as possible in the background and display the absolute most recent frame it has generated.
Thanks Donnie.

The reflex option is only in game correct?
23 Apr 2020
Thanks. Already had that all set.

I have fixed this. For some reason v sync had turned itself on in the apex specific settings in the nvidia control panel. Plus the freesync being on, on my monitor. Now getting 300 frames easy without any fps limiting in rivatuner at 60-70% gpu load.

Thanks so much all.
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