Apocalypse now... but which one?

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
I feel like watching a film. Ive decided to watch Apocalypse now, seeing as its my favourite film. But the question is; Do I watch the origional, or the redux version?
I was going to say don't waste your time but apparently you've seen it and want to put yourself through it again!

Only seen the Redux, can't imagine the other version is worse :) Go with that. Especially if it is shorter.
You really don't have a very good taste in music or films do you. You don't like Pink Floyd or Apoclaypse now! Pfth! Go back to the sound of music and westlife or whatever your into! :p
messiah khan said:
You really don't have a very good taste in music or films do you. You don't like Pink Floyd or Apoclaypse now! Pfth! Go back to the sound of music and westlife or whatever your into! :p


i love the original , find the redux a bit bleurgh
Gilly said:
I was going to say don't waste your time but apparently you've seen it and want to put yourself through it again!

Only seen the Redux, can't imagine the other version is worse :) Go with that. Especially if it is shorter.
I don't believe it, someone who agrees with me.

I had a Platoon Vs Apocalypse Now argument with a workmate the other day, I tried telling him that Apocalypse Now wasn't that good and Platoon was better, he was having none of it.

Maybe Apocalypse Now is just one of those films where it's not the done thing to have a go at it.
I think you're right. But I don't care, if a film is crap I'll say so. Apocalypse Now is one, Scarface is another. Apoc. Now doesn't deserve to be ranked alongside Platoon :)

And to the OP, not liking Apoc. Now and not liking Pink Floyd show good taste, not bas taste :)
I think Apocalypse now is vastly overrated. Have the redux version on DVD and while some bits are good, some of it is just plain boring and weird. Found myself wanting it to end in some places. Still not a bad film but Platoon is much better.
Gilly said:
Scarface is another.)
Spot on again. :)

And once again it's just not the done thing to have a go at Scarface for some reason. Maybe it's because there are parts of it that have become almost iconic.

When I first watched it I was expecting to love it and by the end felt extremely underwhelmed. Carlito's Way is far superior as far as i'm concerened.
Yup, I agree with a lot of what is being said in here. Apocalypse Now is pretty good but it's not the film that so many people hold it up to be. Same goes for Scarface, it's not a bad film and it's certainly watchable. Neither of them are the be all and end all of films. Scarface is everywhere, it's a T-shirt nowadays and that alone puts me off it.

I'd much rather rewatch something like Point Blank or any of a number of old Peckinpah films before I'd sit down and watch Apocalypse Now or Scarface again.
Well ive just watched the origional Apocalypse Now, and I still hold it to being one of the greatest films ever made IMO. Im certainly not one for saying somethings good or bad because of what others say, I instead make up my own mind. I agree that Platoon is a very good film, but tbh I don't think they are hugely comparable. Platoon is much more of an action war film, where as I see Apocalypse Now having much more to do with the morality and psychology of war. A lot of people find it to be a very slow and boring film, but the elements that cause this are the same elements that cause me to like the film so much. I love the way the story and narrative meanders along in the same way that the boat meanders up the stream. also a lot of the film is methaphorical which I like, as I don't like films that give you everything on a plate. I much prefer films that make you think. Each to their own, but I love it. :)
I like it a lot, original version is better imo, don't really see why the french tble scene is necessary in redux.

Platoon is awesome. But its a different type of movie, but imo equally good for what it is. I don't think they're comparable because they don't deal with anything like the same set of issues.
Gilly said:
I think you're right. But I don't care, if a film is crap I'll say so. Apocalypse Now is one, Scarface is another. Apoc. Now doesn't deserve to be ranked alongside Platoon :)

And to the OP, not liking Apoc. Now and not liking Pink Floyd show good taste, not bas taste :)

Yikes. I agree with Gilly on three points in one post :( :D

Have you seen the original Scarface? I saw it first and it blows the Pacino version out of the water imo.
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