
17 Mar 2004
Anyone a wuss like me. Just started to watch this for the first time tonight, and just turned it off after seeing someones head being rolled down that platform when the captors who have just been painted blue were being lead though that tunnel with the paintings on the wall.

The film even though was good until this point is just so graphic and violent its unwatchable. Or am I just a big wuss :p
I watched this with TWO girls at the movies, they both found it boring. They even gave me grief the whole evening for choosing such a lame movie. You are more of a girl than two girls combined :(
Watch Hostel my friend

You will want to lock yourself in your room and not come out again


Ive only seen up to the part where they almost fall off that cliff n the captor just watches and almost creams
You're a wuss, it's not a real head it's make-believe. Anyhow, it's a Mel Gibson film so you already know the Jews done it.
i never find that kind of violence/gore particularly unpleasant

im not too fond of scenes like the one in pans labyrinth where the guy gets his nose mangled though, that stuff is just nasty
Reeve said:
im not too fond of scenes like the one in pans labyrinth where the guy gets his nose mangled though, that stuff is just nasty

Just watched that last night, damn that looked sick, the film wasnt all that though, I was left wanting more..

Back OT, agreed, you are a wuss :D the film is great

Reeve said:
i never find that kind of violence/gore particularly unpleasant

im not too fond of scenes like the one in pans labyrinth where the guy gets his nose mangled though, that stuff is just nasty

Thats scene were he dunts the guys face in with the bottom of the bottle is sickening and stays in your mind for days after. In my top ten ways not to die.
The other one in my top ten is the open mouth on the pavement with the loving stamp to the back of the skull.
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ferretmaster said:
Thats scene were he dunts the guys face in with the bottom of the bottle is sickening and stays in your mind for days after. In my top ten ways not to die.
The other one in my top ten is the open mouth on the pavement with the loving stamp to the back of the skull.

american history x by any chance? its probably not a bad way to die as it is fast, its just very brutal and (probably) messy
lol I thought the bit where she gave birth in water was far more graphic?

If you think that's bad , there's a thirty minute rape scene in Irreversible.. :(
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