Apophysis Freeware fractal flame editor

22 May 2003
Anyone used this? Just stumbled upon it via DeviantArt and been having a quick play around with it, seems quite useful for a base to a wallpaper or something else.

My quick go (after doing some adjustments in PSP9):

Original (was a transparent png but that was 5mb):

I know its not much, but there are tonnes of different ways to produce a render and I will be having a more in depth go a bit later.

Also thankfully its multithreading friendly so I can finally put my dual core through its paces. :)

Link to site:


yep, when I render to disk it uses both cores, if I choose to use just one then it (suprisingly :D) takes twice as long, so I know it works.

How have you got on with the programme?

Im still experimenting with it as you can see, but I can see some interesting results once I get used to the way this thing works.
Going to give both apps a go tomorrow given the chance, after viewing some tutorials online etc it seems there is a lot more to the programmes than you first see.

Im the same with apps Phil, always think I will try them out and then promptly forget about them :D
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