App for testing VR's visual acuity

10 Jan 2012
Should be useful for comparing differences in sharpness across different manufacturers. LCDs and optics are both in play and it should be a somewhat objective test.


This is basically the same line of text (same font and size) repeated at different distances, about 1m per line. In my Oculus CV1 the last line I can clearly see without guessing is the one at 11m, so line number 11. What about your Lenovo, Vive (Pro), Samsung, Dell etc etc? :)

Donwload the app here:

Or get it from the description to this app creator's video:
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As long as we're honest I do not see a problem. I know that I can read line 11, but 12 is just too scrambled up and that is good enough imho. I was surprised by his test of the Vive where he said only line 8 was readable. So double checking would be good. PLsu would be a good comparo against other headsets. Without such a test, owners' opinions are hard to make sense of, especially when people are comparing to other sets from memory or never had VR before.
Cheers! My Oculus is at default SS/PD and I can also read up to line 11. Agree about SS, it does make a bit of a difference (20-25%?), so best to compare default vs default and best case SS vs best case SS. But, like you say, even infinite amounts of SS do not overcome problems of PPI and optics, which is what the test is all about.
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