apple computer users - check website input fields for me

12 Feb 2006
i've had a few customers that use apple computers say that they can't input any text into the fields only on one certain page.

hoping users on this forum that use apple computers can help check for me if they can replicate the issue?

it's on the link below, and on the section in the screen show below.

please feel free to not submit the quote, and you can click next to everything without having selected anything until you get to this page.

But assuming it's a WordPress/CMS site using a form plugin, then it's worth seeing if there is an update and contacting the dev to see if there is a fix
It is not. Just something I put together myself.

Thanks for the advice. Will have a play.

My cocern is that it also may have issues on mobile versions using safari. I don't fancy buying an apple device, so will look to the vm option
that page is looking better on safari and looks ok on iPhone

some of the other pages still look pretty odd in MacOS Safari though

thanks for confirming. i think the issue seems to be that i'm using a table for the layout, and that version of safari doesn't like having TD as being display: inline-block. for all other browsers, when i set the TD to be inline-block, this works, and when i remove this line of code, they get messed up.

and then because i have td in the same tr element, but being displayed on a different line/row, again safari doesn't like this and tries to display all the td elements on the same line, rather than wrap around onto a new row.

any thoughts how i can sort this?

i've managed to install virtual box macOS, but it's incredibly slow to use, and on top, i can't work locally, so need to make the changed on my windows device, upload to the server, then refresh the macOS. makes it hard and slow to figure out
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