Apple Earphones

19 Jan 2005
I boguht an iPod Touch from the MM here and its fine and all but I just got out my car and took it my pocket and the jack had snapped off the earphones! What a joke.

I had an ipod nano for 4 years with the same earphones and never had a problem with them and I was using them a lot more rigorously than I have these that I've had for about 3 weeks. Anyway, the ones I got originally with my nano also broke although not as bad but I went to the Apple site, input my serial number and they sent me refurbed earphones for free as long as I sent back my old ones, does anyone know if you can still do this? I cant find anything about it anywhere but I remember it not being the most obvious thing back then.

I apologise if this is against the rules, competitor and all but I dont really fancy forking out for new ones if I can get them for free.

Cheers, I saw that but it says my warranty is out of date, I thought you could do that whenever, if I get the serial number off my mates new iPod will that void it for him in the future or will he be able to do that whenever he likes?
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