Apple ID password keeps expiring.

12 Jul 2010
Telford, Shropshire
Has anyone ever this issue? Like their password has expired? 3 times I've had to reset it this month as either my iPad or iTunes just keeps saying its incorrect .

I last reset it on Saturday and it's now saying its wrong etc, very annoying.
So I am not alone!

This has been happening to me more and more frequently. Twice this week. Did anyone else here encounter this and were they able to get to root cause?
If this nonsense continues I will be asking for a full refund.
Turn on two factor authentication
If it is that they are trying to change your password or something then they won't be able to get anywhere near account settings without your device and recovery key

I cannot do that - the only thing I can do on iCloud is change my name and date of birth - neither of which I need to change.

I cannot:
  • add or change my email address
  • change my physical address
  • or add a payment method.
You know... things that actually change over time...

I lie - I can also check/uncheck the checkboxes stating if I would like to receive emails about Announcement / iMusic/ iBooks etc... useful.

Thankfully I only have to use OSX for a few hours a day and get to work with Windows 10.
Between this nonsense, Finder, OSXs daft window management(or lack of it), and the rubbish window snapping it is like using a OS that has never left beta.
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