apple in-ear ear tips

25 Nov 2008
Hi, a couple of month ago i bought the lovely apple in-ear earbuds (whith mic) and i have realy enjoyed them! :)
However, a few days ago i lost one of my earbuds (I suspect my vacume cleaner have a finger in the pie) and now im searching for a substitute for these.

someone told me that i should try the "grey Etymotic's 3-flange ear tips", but im not sure they will fit the apple earbuds.
Does enyone have had the same issue?

aany other ear tip you can recomand?
I don't usually venture into these parts of the forum but I recently answered this very question for a friend :p I would suggest Comply Foam Tips ( - I have them for my Ultimate Ears's and Sennheiser CX300's and they are superb, a bit pricey at £15 for a 3-pair pack but well worth it. The noise isolation is far better than any others I have tried :)
The Comply tips are superb, I don't think the looks of them are important, they're either in your ear or in a pocket! They're effectively just a foam seal for your ears and work really well. I use them on my Senns and they make a huge difference to the audio quality.
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