Apple iPod 160Gb wont sync! :(



25 Jun 2007
United King'Don'
Hi guys

I know what your thinking, I should really post this on the apple forums, but to be honest, ive found them less than friendly in the past and theirs a good portion of technically minded people here when it comes to apple products.

Anyway, this morning I tried to upload some tunes to my iPod classic 160gb, and it basically shows 'sync' in itunes and showed 'Synchronizing' on my pod.. it did that for almost 15 mins!

So I went through the routine, soft reset, hard reset, restored it to basic settings, restored it to manufacturer default. Ive done this 4 times now! Now when I connect it to the PC it shows the same syncing thing, but it does show that its uploading my tunes and even shows what space I have so that all looks promising, however when it should be sync'ed and ready, it just stays on 'sync' and nothing happens.

Although this is a fantastic opportunity to treat myself to an ipod touch:), I love the storage space this gives me! Has anyone ever had this happen to them or know of a solution for it?

Any help would be appreciated!

Update: just saw a windows message bubble, saying "the data could not be written to the storage device (my ipod), the data has been lost" :eek:

Anyone know what to do?:(
@SentineL-X: im trying another usb port now and its uploading, its always just when it finishes the last few songs it goes gaga, so ive got my fingers crossed :s

@MrMoonX: just checked my serial number on apples website and it states im out of warranty so i doubt the apple store would do much apart from quote me a repair price. And yes winamp is a bit poo :)

Ive decided if i cant get me beloved ipod working again, ill sell it. I checked on ebay and people actually buy faulty ipods!
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