Apple keyboard firmware hack demonstrated

Apple have released legit updates for them several times IIRC, so there must be some benefit of having upgradable firmware.

I think the external ones look like crap anyway. White and silver, I ask you :p
no i think it applys for exsternal usb ones aswell. altho i dont know if it applys for a non apple pc keybord, as im guessing they dont contain the flash memery or ram.

I would suspect a lot of the more 'advanced' keyboards have programmable controllers however it's the cost of using these controllers means they're less mainstream. So if you have any haxx0r l337 keyboards then chances are they'll have enough budget and reason to use programmable controllers.
That's pretty worrying, good thing I'm using my Apple keyboard with Windows though :p

edit: But it works with the internal ones on laptops too, crazyness.
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