How is the quality etc of music and film playback? What do you love about it?
Have you copied your DVD collection on to it?
iTunes for Windows can rip DVDs, so I'll have to look at something else. I've got 200 DVD to store on shelving or put on a Apple TV device.
Again, the codec thing is only an issue if you make it one - it just depends on how you work.
I use the Apple Universal preset. Never had any problems with it and the quality is very good.
Although if you're wanting smaller file sizes it can be a problem.
As I said, I prefer the way that the Popcorn Hour handles video. No need to waste hours converting my DVDs, choosing bitrates, worrying about decombing and so forth... just use DVDShrink to convert the entire DVD to a .iso file in ~5 minutes. I get 7.1 dts sound, all of the menus, all of the subtitles, all of the commentary tracks and all of the bonus features. Perfect.![]()
That is pretty handy I must admit! Pretty nifty trick, It's also nice to see that Popcorn Hour outputs 1080p.
Could you use DVDShrink for Blu-Ray if you had a Blu-Ray drive?
This adds another dimension to my thread in 'Apple Software' about iTunes movies and such...