Apple TV, Anyone use it?

25 Nov 2006

I have already made a post about the macbook and it seems you all know about apple and macs so I am very happy to come here for advice as I am a apple noob I, have only every owned 2 ipods lol.I have been looking at getting something to play video files for when I get a HDTV in my room. And if I do get a mac book I will most likly sell my pc, and I will not want to connect my macbook up to my tv every night to watch tv.

I thought about getting a Mac mini but then apple TV looks like the thing I need. Will the price on the 160GB model be coming down any time soon as it looks really good for the price. Does this play any file type, or some type of apples own format. I will mostly be playing AVI's and sometimes MKV files.

Do you use Itunes, and make playlists like for the ipod if so how well does this work. And one last thing, what is the actual Apple TV like is it fast when being used when going through the menus. Is it quiet?

Well I have the money to buy the Apple TV, but I have decided not too. I will buy a Mac mini and hook it up to my 32" TV. Seems a lot better value for money. Plus I watched to many AVI files and I don't want keep converting files all the time. Plus the low end Mac mini should do the job, I dont need a large hard drive as I will be using a 1.5TB NAS drive for the mac mini and my laptop which will hopefully be a macbook.
I will most likly install VLC, can anyone comment on how loud the mac minis are. I really want a totally silent computer this time around.
One last things, are they ok for running 24/7 as I normally have my pc on 24/7 downloading so would the mac mini be ok with this? or will it over heat?

Thanks for all the replys.
It will only be used to playing Videos mainly AVI's and HD stuff. Nothing that will need a good graphics card at all. Plus I doubt I will be needing 2GB of ram for it.
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