Apple TV - is a new one on the way?

3 Nov 2003
As the title says really. I currently run windows 7 media centre through my 360 but even though the network it's on is capable of playing 1080p without a judder, basic menu navigation is just to slooooooow.

I recently went round a mates and played with his apple tv rig, must say the menu is so slick I am willing to accept any limitations for it's great user interface. Before I splash the cash can someone please tell me that a new model isn't planned for realease next month.
Nobody knows!

As it stands it can't play > 5Mbits 720p videos so 1080 is not possible at all!!

My Mac Pro struggles with 1080p H264 10+Mbit videos so I don't think your going to get anywhere with that.

[Although its poor H264 mkv coding that is the main issue]
I'd say crappy video drivers on the Mac Pro are to blame if it can't do 1080p h264. (Or the software player is utter garbage.)
ok, although its main use would be to stream all my music to the hifi with the nice UI I was under the impression it was capable of HD, I knew it had some limitations of file types but I didnt think it was so technically crippled. I think ill wait till junes conf
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