Apple unveils new iPod Shuffle

5 Jun 2005
Apple surprised many today by unveiling a redesigned iPod Shuffle. The new design gets a memory spec bump to 4GB for $80.00. The new design (seen below) has no screen but Apple did include a new VoiceOver feature.

VoiceOver allows "[w]ith the press of a button, it tells you what song is playing and who's performing it. It can even tell you the names of your play lists, giving you a new way to navigate your music".

The new unit is on sale now in steel gray or charcoal colors and comes with the usual Apple accessories. Apple generally unveils new products on Tuesday but with this unveiling maybe Apple is trying to keep its followers on their toes.
i like th idea, but to pricey for what it is...... which is a 4gb mp3 player with no screen. looking on the web you can pay £12.99 for something that does the same but with drag and drop options. so mixed thoughts from me, i thought the shuffle at £33 was a fair price for a gym rat's music player. but £60 is that is the confirmed price is a little high
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