Apple v Epic...ding ding round 1

"Epic Games has defied the app store monopoly".

I mean that's super rich coming from Epic.

Tim Sweeny has a serious issue with app stores and the cut they take, always banging on how it's too much. Fair play to the fella his store is a bit bobbins but the devs get a bigger slice.

Apple can't really cave as would set a precedent for all other app devs to do the same, why give Apple their 30%.
It seems Apple have kicked epic off their development programme. So won't this will hurt app devs that unreal as their engine of choice? (I haven't the foggiest on Apple app development)
They haven’t kicked them off, they gave them 14 days to sort their apps out.

No, apps are developed as standalone so it only effects epic themselves.

Sorry, it was just a tweet I read.

They have until the 28th to sort it out.

So games on iOS don't use unreal? Thought it was on everything.
Last thing I heard Apple were demanding all sorts or sales figures from Steam who wanted nothing to do with this and think the judge said they needed to hand over such information :confused:
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