Apple Watch: Have you turned off optimised battery charging?

20 Oct 2002
Since WatchOS 10 my SE only charges to 80% overnight. I use a Magsafe Duo charger and am used to my iPhone holding at 80% overnight then finishing the charge in time for me to wake up. But now the watch is trying to do a similar thing, but it never charges above 80%. Which means my battery is getting down to 30% by the early evening, without doing any fitness activities etc. So it makes me think it could die on me if for example I go to the gym, and also have a night out or something.

What's the consensus here. Have you guys turned this feature off? Or will it eventually start "learning" my routine and charge properly to 100% when my alarm goes off?

This brings me to another point - why on earth can't Apple just tell the phone/watch to look at my alarm time and aim for 100% then? Why does it have to be so convoluted :confused:
They changed how it works in watchOS10. When you're at home, it learns how much battery it thinks you're going to use and will charge to that level. You can override it when you put it on the charger as the display will draw a circle with a little indent which indicates it's in that mode. If you tap the display at that point, you can tell it to charge to 100%.

This brings me to another point - why on earth can't Apple just tell the phone/watch to look at my alarm time and aim for 100% then? Why does it have to be so convoluted :confused:
This is how it used to work before watchOS 10. Now they've introduced the advanced version to help extend your battery life.
I just put it on charge when it's about to die. If I know I'm going out on an evening and I want to wear it, I'll top it up before going out. I've never thought about it anymore than that.
This is how it used to work before watchOS 10. Now they've introduced the advanced version to help extend your battery life.
I mean on the phone as well. It took like 3 weeks to "learn" my schedule for charging etc. And then it doesn't even work when you're not at home etc. I would have thought it's easy - if your alarm is set and put on charge, aim to get to 100% for right before your alarm goes off. I dont really understand what it needs to "learn".
I just put it on charge when it's about to die. If I know I'm going out on an evening and I want to wear it, I'll top it up before going out. I've never thought about it anymore than that.
Well yes. I charge them both overnight and never needed to think about it until they made this change. How is Apple going to know the night before if I'm going out that night and need 100% rather than 80% :confused: Answer, they can't...
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