Apple Wireless keyboard on Pc

26 Jan 2006
Sorry for asking another keyboard to Pc question, but was going into the store to pick up one of the bluetooth wireless keyboards for my Pc.

No, i searched here, but am struggling to get a definative ansewer as to wether this will work ok with a bluetooth dongle on my Pc?.

Also, what about the lack of numerical keypad, will the keys still operate ok?

What about the multifunction buttons like play, volumne eject etc etc?
Im on Xp home for the Pc, wont be using it on the mac Via Bootcamp, but on a stand alone Pc.
Sorry understand, when I did have Vista on the Mac a mate of mine was helping and he seemed to have a cd for drivers to get all the mac stuff to merge with Vista, I remember being able to controll Volune and brightness etc etc, I take it these are the same drivers I need then?
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