Been a member of Audible for a long time. In excess of ten years. Just checked my Audible library. It appears I have accumulated over 600 Audible titles.
Now, if they were all full price at 8 quid a pop, that'd be just short of £4800 on audiobooks. Yeesh!
They weren't all full price though. Some were daily deals at 2 or 3 quid a go, some in the 2 for 1 sales, some included (free) with premium membership. And, in case some folks aren't aware, Audible also do a 24 book membership deal for £109. But they tend not to advertise this too much. But that 24 book membership brings a book purchase down to around £4.50 a pop. So I've probably paid around 2400/£2500.
Anyhoo, I must have a load of titles I will be interested in but forgot I purchased, either haven't read or not got around to finishing.
Audible app lets me sort titles in to those I have finished, some not started, some partly finished.
But the Audible library user interface is a bit basic. Fine, but that's about it.
It seems a bit limited as an organiser. Is there any App or program out ther for PC which can help me organise audiobooks a bit better? Something with a bit of a better interface that lets me view synopsis and maybe other useful data and such? Something that can import the AAX format that Audible use.
I've heard about OpenAudible. Is it any good? Any others to consider?
Thank you.
Now, if they were all full price at 8 quid a pop, that'd be just short of £4800 on audiobooks. Yeesh!
They weren't all full price though. Some were daily deals at 2 or 3 quid a go, some in the 2 for 1 sales, some included (free) with premium membership. And, in case some folks aren't aware, Audible also do a 24 book membership deal for £109. But they tend not to advertise this too much. But that 24 book membership brings a book purchase down to around £4.50 a pop. So I've probably paid around 2400/£2500.
Anyhoo, I must have a load of titles I will be interested in but forgot I purchased, either haven't read or not got around to finishing.
Audible app lets me sort titles in to those I have finished, some not started, some partly finished.
But the Audible library user interface is a bit basic. Fine, but that's about it.
It seems a bit limited as an organiser. Is there any App or program out ther for PC which can help me organise audiobooks a bit better? Something with a bit of a better interface that lets me view synopsis and maybe other useful data and such? Something that can import the AAX format that Audible use.
I've heard about OpenAudible. Is it any good? Any others to consider?
Thank you.
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