Applications not quitting upon exit

21 Oct 2002
Hi folks,

I'm still getting to grips with my new Macbook. One thing I have found is that when I press the red x at the top left of an application the application disappears but the tool bar remains at the top of the screen. After closing a lot of applcations this way I can then go to force quit in the main menu and they are still in there.

Does this mean the applications have not quit or that they are running in the back ground? Is there anyway to quit the application completely using this method?


In OSX applications don't quit if you press the little red x.

you either have to go to File/Quit, press Apple+Q or hold down the mouse (or right click) on the app icon on the dock and select quit.


Do they stay open as if I was using them (ie using up resources) or do they just run in the back ground? It shouldn't cause a problem really, I have the middle spec macbook (2.ghz, 2gb ram) but I think I am having probs with my internet connection so I am trying to determine if it is my connection that is making my safari + mail slow or if it is just slow down due to the applications open.


I can just imagine the OP having a dock spanning the entire width of his screen with programs still open right now.

Heh, it's not that bad :-) I'm just trying to determine what is causing the slow down when using safari and mail etc. I think it was possibley my wireless connection to my router, my pc in the same location was fine but for some reason the connection seems to drop using my mac. The router is a linksys btw and it seems to e behaving itselft this morning.


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