Applications you'd like to see on AppStore

16 Jan 2005
South Wales
As per the title really, what applications would you like to see come to the App Store?

I'd like a good Wordpress client (there's one in production, hopefully it'll get released soon). I'd also like to see an MSN client, AIM is alright but none of me mates really use it.

What would you like to see?
Not sure if this exists already, but I'd like an application that integrates the birthdays stored against my contacts with the calender so I can see when they are approaching.
Not sure if this exists already, but I'd like an application that integrates the birthdays stored against my contacts with the calender so I can see when they are approaching.

Birthdays within address book on my mac are automaticaly placed in iCal, and hence synced to my phone.

If you're on Windows, I'm sure outlook does the same thing
vlc remote
Radio time browser integrating into ical
MSN client
Wordpress client
Text editor

Probably loads more too!
• TomTom

• Sky+ Remote (Awesome idea)

• something that enables my macbook to be able to use the unlimited 3G internet connection wherever i am
This whole jailbroken thing, there seems to be a lot of advantages that are unrelated to the simlock etc...

is it worth it for someone who is happy on o2 @ £35 (never saw much of a problem with the tariffs tbh, 500/600 and unlimited internet is a decent deal i reckon) to jailbreak the phone? does it open up a whole new world of software you can install? does it actually do anything detrimental?
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