Applied ICT

22 Jun 2005
Is anyone else here doing this AS/A level course?

Am I the only one that thinks its a complete farce, I mean think about it, in one of the er... "exams" they give you pre release material on which you have to make notes, these notes you can take into the exam!!!

So exactly what is the point of having the exam if you can use notes you made yourself?

What a joke!
oweneades said:
I did AS ICT and didn't bother with A level ICT. It is a joke.

We did a Website as a project for the first year and yet even though this was a IT based course the website itself was not marked. Only the paperwork?! WTF?!?!

That and half of the answer in the exam are technically incorrect. (IE you have to give the exact answer they are looking for or you rget it wrong even though the answer you gave was perfectly acceptable in the IT world).

Another thing is why do corses like this only teach you how to use word every year. There is more on a computer than word.

We had to take "microsoft certification exams" that really annoyed me.

And yes I always complain ;)
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