Archimedes MSD Desk Lian-LI

20 Oct 2004
Hi Guys,

I just saw the video for this desk from Lian-Li, anyone have any ideas how much these sell for. If you can get them in the UK, and also if Overclockers will be selling them?

Also does anyone know where i can get a good desk for my PC, Maximum price is probably around £500. (Hopefully this shouldnt be against the rules, as i dont think OCUK currently sell desks).

Thanks in advance.

PS. Check out that video, the desk is baaaad!!!!
:confused: LOL!!!

Forget that desk then!!!! But honestly it is brilliant, if i won the lottery or something!!!!

Any ideas on similar desks, at a more reasonable price???

Thanks man
Surfed the net for ages last night, and didnt even come close to finding a desk half as decent as the lian li one.

Its starting to really bug me, to the point where i might even buy one.... So if anyone knows of anything comparable for significantly less money please let me know. I really DONT want to be the proud penniless owner of a £3000 desks.

MRS probably skin me alive too!!!!
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