Arctic Cooling MX-3 Users?

15 Oct 2007
Bedfordshire, UK.
I applied some MX-3 to my i7 920 build today, and must say it was a real pain applying the stuf to my CPU.

I have always used the method of placing a blob on the middle of the CPU (MX-2, Arctic Silver 5, Akasa AK) , then getting a bit of climfilm and stretching it over my fore finger, and spreading the thermal paste over the cpu until there is a fine level film across the whole of the CPU.

Tried doing this method with the MX-3, it would just not want to stay of the CPU and kept coming off on the cilmfilm, no matter how many times i tried, in the end i did manage to get it spead across the whole of the cpu surface in some fashion, but it was far from even, i probably ended up adding a bit too much just to get it to stay on the cpu and not my climfilm finger :confused:

Has anyone else had problems applying MX-3?
Yeah thats what i had to do in the end, just press down on it to spread it out, but all the other thermal paste's i have used you could just spread it on like butter, but this stuff just kept coming of again on my climflim finger. Maybe it was cos the cpu was cold and my finger warm??
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