Arctic Freezer 7 Pro vs. Wraith Prism on 3700X

30 Mar 2004
I've just ordered a 3700X and was wondering whether to use the bundled Wraith Prism or transfer my current Arctic Freezer 7 Pro. Which will be the better cooler on the 3700X?

Thanks :)
Much of the problem with downflow coolers is the air does down through cooler hitting motherboard, turns out hitting RAM, GPU, etc turns up along side cooler and fan where it is drawn back into fan so cooler ends up re-using it's own heated exhaust air. So while Arctic 7 PRO isn't very good it will likely cool better than stock cooler.
I would go with the prism as both coolers will be about the same but the prism looks better, it also ships with the 12 core 3900x so there is definetly plenty of headroom on a 8 core CPU. Will also push air into the Vrms to keep those cooler as well.
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