Are 3700+ Claws Allergic to 250mhz fsb?

Hmmmn...might be my ram then.

I ran memtest for 9 1/2 hours today (250mhz 3-4-4-8 @ 2.8V) and came in from work to 2 errors. Cpu multi was set to 7 so the processor shouldn't be generating the errors.

I'll repeat the test a few more times and see if I keep getting errors.
try running your ram on a divider. even though your memory should be capable of running 1:1, it's best to test 1 variable at a time. drop the ram speed and see how far you can ramp up the htt. :)
marc2003 said:
try running your ram on a divider. even though your memory should be capable of running 1:1, it's best to test 1 variable at a time. drop the ram speed and see how far you can ramp up the htt. :)

I see what you mean now. I always thought it was wierd to run the ram on a divider when the HTT was set to 250 as that's it's rated speed but this will tell me whether the processor is generating the errors or not. ;)

I'll give it a go.
could be ** mobo i have the same problem. could run over 300ht on my old epox and aopen boards but not a chance with this dfi. also try lowering too 3x htt
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