Are 4 dimms ok on Ryzen?

7 Mar 2008
Sorry for the annoying predictable question amongst all the others, but I'm curiously if people have thoughts on this.

I'm thinking about buying some more memory, I already have this figured I'd just get some more.

However I've seen these this is on offer and am tempted.

Are 2 dimms better than 4? Would I get worse unstable performance with 4?
Thanks for the replies.

I have the same RAM on a 2700X. 2 DIMMs will run Fast settings at 3200MHz.

4 DIMMs will only do straight DOCP at 2933... take from that what you will.

I have the same motherboard and cpu so I'm limited to that speed I'm guessing its not that much of a drop in performance though.

I'm possibly going to get one of the new 4th gen Ryzen cpu's with a x570 motherboard when they are released. So maybe its better to go with the faster 2 dimms for more future proof though.
Thanks for the all the help. I think I'm going to go with the 2 dimms they are more expensive but faster and hopefully less hassle.
Another quick question if the 3600mhz memory is unable to run at that speed on the XMP profile will it just auto set it lower like 3400mhz or something, or will I have to figure out the mhz and the timings manually.
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