Are cheap washing machines ok?

5 Aug 2006
Hey all.
In May I bought my first home.
It came with a washing machine, which is an unknown brand and doesn't unlock once complete. It unlocks most of the time after I set it on a spin cycle, but as it sometimes doesn't unlock the handle has broken too. Often I have two inches of water left in the bottom too where it hasn't drained properly.

I need a new one. I live on my own so use it 3 times per week on average so no need for a heavy duty one. I've seen many good brands for under £300, some even under £200, but have no idea whether a cheaper one is false economy.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the replies.
The current one doesn't hold much I'm afraid so perhaps a newer one would be one white load and one coloured load per week.
I do plan on living here for a long time but spanking £500+ right now is going to hurt my finances quite a lot! I've seen families with children who are using their washing machines constantly but for all I know they spent near a grand on theirs.
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