Are computer speakers still a thing?

1 Nov 2007
I remember back in the 90s when I got my very first computer they used to come with two small left and right channel computer speakers that you plugged into the back. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore, so I'm wondering what people do these days to get good to really good audio out of their PC while they are working?

I mean if the worst comes to the worst I could Bluetooth pair my phone and my wireless headphones but that seems a bit clunky just to listen to music. Another option would be a headset which has the advantage of having a microphone so I can make telephone calls from my computer and Zoom video conferencing.

I'm just wondering what people do in the £150 to £200 budget range?
Just plug in speakers or headphones, its not different to back in the day really. Got some Creative ones, about 80 quid I think and some AKG headphones. Both plugged into a USB DAC thing.
I have a pair of Edifier speakers. RT1600 Plus or something.
They've been superseded by many more recent models. but IIRC mine were only about £70 new. Not amazing audiophile-quality things and they're 6x10x8", but they're more than enough to fill a small-ish office/den/man cave with decent sounds from films and games.

Loads of the newer Edifiers are well under £200, so I'd start by browsing those.
You can still buy a pair of active speakers that just plug into your PC (and maybe the wall). You could also go down an audio rabbit hole and find yourself spending ridiculous amounts on some quality passive studio monitors along with an amp and a DAC for good measure.
Also using the RT1600s for my computer setup - they have a fairly flat response which might not be for everyone so they can sound a touch boring without EQing but if it wasn't for some very very minor areas where they don't quite stack up they'd otherwise compete with much much more expensive speakers so they are very good for what they are.
I have a pair of B&W 607s
Paired with an smsl. AD18 dac/amp

I spend more time at my desk now than the living room due to WFH

(I need a better amp/dac solution)
Sold the above Z5500 because of the hassle with cables and replaced it with a Sound BlasterX Katana sound bar with sub. Very good sound for the compactness with some nice punch. For best sound positioning I also have a decent pair of headphones but for most of the time I don't find them necessary.

£199.99 from the Creative store.
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I had a Teac 5.1 system back in the day, loved it, but have since gone up in the world, and now my pc is hooked up to my AV amp and floor standing speakers, with center and rears
I have invested in Logitech Z906, 5.1 with THX, DD and DTS. More expensive, but I too work from home and no driving to work means they do more time and love it..
Netflix has native support for DTS, so good effects :)
Yep, certainly are. Infact I saw some Trust speakers in Wilkos yesterday!
There are many studio monitors which would serve well as (good) desktop speakers instead of the usual tripe Logitech et al make. JBL, Mackie, iLoud (despite the terrible name) Harmon Kardon, Bose and many others

Edit. I wanted something compact with great sound without having a sub take up room. Just ordered some iLoud micro monitors based on numerous reviews.

These will replace my Logitech Z200 I bought for a mere £22. Different league I expect but then they should be for the price difference.

The Logitechs have served me well for general internet listening - youtube reviews and the like.

Main music is listened to on a Naim Muso in the living room but want to get back into using Ableton / Reason again on my pc.

That and listening to a bit of music when my girlfriend is the living room
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