Are Creative on crack?

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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
The last 2 driver updates for the XFI I have noticed an increase in volume level resulting in increased distortion meaning I have to lower the master volume in Windows (Vista32) in order to not get distortion.

The distortion is only on the left channel on quick low frequencies and is completely gone now at a master volume of 65. Before it used to be 80 and before that around 90.

Why are Creative doing this? I don't know if other people notice this but I certainly do through amp & speakers/cans and I guess the increased volume level by default is why many folks report "better" sound quality when in fact it's just increased in loudness. Not saying sound quality is crap becaus eit's certainly not but these little bugs on each driver "Update" is a bit tedious now.

I need XFi for gaming too else I'd be on a Xonar D2/x.

Master @ 60 for me I suppose from now on...
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The difference is there during gaming in gaming mode on the xfi whether it's positional or not, the creative just does it better positioning sounds in their correct directions. When I had the HDA Xplosion with burr brown opamps the musical quality blew the XFI away but I returned it because the gaming experience even in games that didn't have any 3d sound options was significantly worse.
Fudging ******!

I wondered why I was getting some left channel distortion today (headphones and speakers) and it seems the distortion goes away at master windows volume 45.

The other day I had to drop to 50 because of the same reason and now 45...

ARGH These drivers have progressively started killing my card :|

Xonar D2x methinks...
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