Are dress codes outdated?

3 Aug 2015
I was thinking this the other day when I saw a bloke in a suit while I was walking to work and it's now the exception that I see someone dressed like that rather than the norm. I'm not just talking about work either I mean dress codes for bars, clubs, restaurants, football (as a spectator), cricket (spectating), etc.

Of course, there are still times when people might want to dress up like weddings, special occasions, etc. but that's more of an exception.

What do you think?
On an unrelated note I saw a guy in Tesco today wearing some weird Greggs branded fleece-like top and weird shorts. I think Primark sell them. Not sure if he'd lost a bet. I think it was these:

When I got my first civil service job I got some smarter clothes, first day in and I see a guy wearing shorts, flipflops and a ninja turtles t-shirt. That was the first and last day I dressed smart.

Now I wear jeans, t-shirt and trainers as that is what I'm comfortable in.

Ha, exactly the same. First day I turned up in a suit and before I even got in the building, there was a guy in leather pants and jacket smoking outside. Then walks past a guy in shorts and t shirt.

I've not put a shirt or trousers on for work since then, nearly 5 years ago.
One job I had to wear a suit and then moved onto a role higher than that one and casual was acceptable, with the current one being anything that is smart.

I'd rather be smart and comfortable than stuck in a suit.
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