Are GCSEs worth anything?

27 Mar 2004
I've just started my AS levels (well, sixth months ago) and I'm wondering what my GCSEs were for, apart from getting me into this sixth form.

I got 2A*s, 3As, 5Bs, and one F (Religious Education :/)

Will my GCSEs have any practical use apart from getting me into my current sixth form?
Crispy Pigeon said:
Yours probably won't count for or against you really, unless you're applying to either the premier-league or bottom universities.

Define "premier-league".

Phnom_Penh said:
No. How the hell'd you get an F though lol :p

By not knowing anything, really. They didn't allow me to drop the subject, even though I'd told them that RE is one of those subjects which my education in France didn't cover.
Phnom_Penh said:
What were you considering doing?

Not totally sure at the moment, was thinking of maths or physics. I'm also doing Computing but I don't see myself carrying that one forward...

For the moment I am predicted As in all subjects (bar General Studies). I also have an A level in French, whatever that is worth :p
Phnom_Penh said:
The main thing you need is a good Ucas reference by Kern or whoever does yours, the people who get good references seem to get offers from most if not all of their universities, while people with poor references don't.

A school never really gives a bad reference though, does it? So everyone else is armed with a good reference, 3 As (4 in my case as I already have my French one, but a lot of people have 4 anyway), and 11A*s or whatever in GCSE level.
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