Are my memory timimngs ok?

27 Sep 2004
South Yorkshire

Thanks. :)
Mikey1280 said:
Do you happen to know the stock timings?

The memory is supposed to be pc3200 (200mhz), however it will run at pc4000 (250mhz) @3.4v, if that makes sense.
Mikey1280 said:
Timings at 250mhz? I assume 2-2-2-6?

They are set at auto in the bios apart from the Trc which i have set at 8 after someone told me it that Trc should be RAS+Tras.
Mikey1280 said:
Ok, you might be able to change the RAS to CAS delay to 2. Run memtest after you do this before you boot into windows. Otherwise I would say they are very nice :)

Ok cheers, do you think i will be able to get much more out of this memory? or is what i have good enough?

Thanks :)
Mikey1280 said:
Its fine, doubt you'll be able to get that much more

Ah ok cheers, it will take 3.5v i am only giving it 3.4v (which it needs to get to 250mhz) i have just seen a review where they ran these sticks at 270mhz@ 1.5,2,2. :eek:

Me wants to do that now. :o :D Although i should imagine it will kill my sticks.
Minstadave said:
These are UTT based modules, so you should try getting tRCD from 3 to 2 for a little boost. 260 is an excellent clock though, I hope you have some active cooling over your modules though, I bet they're getting hot.

Yes i have a 80mm fan over them, although at 3.4v@ 250mhz they were not even warm to the touch, even after 3 hours prime, so the cooling must be working. :)
No not yet i was just seeing what i could get out of the memory, i think it would stop somewhere around there. I could increase the voltage to 3.5v without prolbem, however i think its the cpu that is holding me back i think i need more voltage, so i need an aftermarket cooler however is it worth it to get from 2.6-2.7 :confused:
Minstadave said:
With UTT you'll get as far at 2-2-2 as 2-3-2 mate (atleast you SHOULD do, nothing is guarenteed).

As for using an aftermarket CPU cooler, you could get a Freezer 64 Pro for cheap I guess, that might gain you a couple of hundred more mhz :)

Well i know its my cpu as it wont prime at 2.75ghz with my ram runnig at 250mhz. I am currently putting 1.525 volts through my cpu what would i be able to put through it with a Frezzer pro?
Minstadave said:
With good case airflow you should be ok with 1.6V :)

Also when running high Vdimm its better to keep Vcore quite high, running high Vdimm and low Vcore tends to kill chips.

Yeah i read about that, so i am runnig at 1.525v so that should be ok, what about raising the voltage on the nb? Would that be ok on the standard NB cooler? I have heard that can sort out flaky overclocks.

Thanks for the help.
Hmmm major problems, the memory is failing mem test even at 2.7v @ddr400, do i take the memory out and change slots? Or test the memory individaully.

Not good. :(
Mikey1280 said:
Whats the stock volts? I thought it was 3.3v or something?

No 2.8 i think, anyway tested one stick it passed mem test @ 265mhz didnt try higher, the other stick wouldnt pass mem test at any speed even stock, so i will try it in another machine before i rma it, i am just worried what they will send me as a replacment as iirc they dont make these any more. :(
Hmm the plot thickens, i tested the modules in the same memory bank on my mobo, one of the sticks passes mem test at [email protected] however the other module wont pass mem test at 200hz @2.8v.

So i took the faulty module to my friends house and tried it in his machine, the memory module ran at [email protected] and passed mem test for 2 hours.

What the hell is going on?

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