Are speedos acurate.

3 Jul 2008
Fife way up in Scotland
After being possibly caught speeding in the car at the week end i got onto the conversation that speedos are usually out.

Im not looking for answers just peoples opinions really.

The reason i bring this to the bike section is because my bikes cable operated from the front wheel, but now bikes are coming with it from the gear box.

So how accurate is each method and are speedos usually bang on the money when they are on newer bikes?
Im wanting to try get a sat nav with speedo on it to see how out mines are. one so I can have half an idea of what speed i was doing past the van and other to try on bike and see how far it is out.

Suspect the bike will come back with wild figures.
It was a import with a KPH speedo, the garage stuck a horrible luminous sticker over the top on a brand new bike, so I got them to order a proper MPH one, don't know if it was calibrated right just remember my instructor telling me to slow down all the time, had to stick to 25 to be doing 30 on my test

I had that but the opposite. Guys like come on speed up. Was like im doing the *"&)*(%@ Speed limit here.
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