Are there any good 2.0 speakers around £50-70?

26 Mar 2008
Leicester & Northants, UK
I'm looking to get some new speakers and I'd rather have a 2.0 setup if possible - saves a bit of space and makes moving all my stuff to uni and back much easier if I have 2 small speakers I can just put in my bag rather than a sub as well. I understand the bass response wont be quite the same but I'm wondering if you can get anywhere close? Sometimes my sub cuts out (old creative i-trigue) and the sounds really weak and thin - I dont want that at all! I dont just want thump though, I want good quality as I love my music (recording as well as listening to). I'd get some powered monitors but they'll take up more space than a 2.1 system and are very expensive.

So, any suggestions? I dont mind my Creative I-trigue 3200s. What I dont want is a thin and tinny, boxy sound.
Those will take up a lot more space than my current 2.1 setup :p I wonder how much better they'll sound though, and comapared to the T20s?

I'm looking at the Audioengine A2s now as I've seen them recommended in another thread - £110 though. Would it really be worth paying that much extra over a set of T20s?
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