Are there any online guitar stores that offer good finance packages?

'Finance' is the oldest trick in the book. You either pay a massive APR, or '0%' on a pre-inflated price. Here's how to beat it.

1) Get a 0% credit card. Marks and Spencer offer 0% for 12 months.

2) Use your card to buy on the cheapest site. Use or eBay via Paypal payment on the card.

3) Pay off at 0% over the 12 months. For a soloist on gak, thats £137 a month. If you need more time, transfer the balance at 0% to another card with 0% payments such as the Smart Car card. :)
Chronos-X said:
'Finance' is the oldest trick in the book. You either pay a massive APR, or '0%' on a pre-inflated price. Here's how to beat it.

1) Get a 0% credit card. Marks and Spencer offer 0% for 12 months.

2) Use your card to buy on the cheapest site. Use

Gak`s great iv used them time and time before allways a great service
Good point, I might do that instead. It also opens up 2nd hand purchases too, if I transfer credit card money to my debit account and then transfer the credit card to a 0% finance one.

What do people think of the SL3 soloist whilst Im here?
People should always use credit cards when it gives an advantage. For example gym membership where there's a discount for paying up front, or car insurance :)
alexthecheese said:
Good point, I might do that instead. It also opens up 2nd hand purchases too, if I transfer credit card money to my debit account and then transfer the credit card to a 0% finance one.

What do people think of the SL3 soloist whilst Im here?

well in my experence jackson make some exelent guitars i prefer them for shredding as they have really fast thin necks most of them have 24frets and there not too bad for palm muting/galloping but im not a fan of floyd roses so i never got on played a couople at college though
PU7E said:
well in my experence jackson make some exelent guitars i prefer them for shredding as they have really fast thin necks most of them have 24frets and there not too bad for palm muting/galloping but im not a fan of floyd roses so i never got on played a couople at college though

I played one in a shop in cardiff a couple of years ago. A real shreddy thing, RX7 or something. I was playing acoustic style beatles things on it - you should've seen the looks :p But it was very versatile!

The price? £1800. You could buy 1+3/4 Les Pauls for that! ;)
Well I have an Epi Les Paul, a MIA Strat, a cheap Tele copy and an old Hamer at my disposal, but none are particularly shreddy, none have a Floyd I could abuse and none have 24 frets.

They sound pretty good from the reviews I've seen, though all say that it's not an official Floyd Rose just a licensed one.

What others are in the league of 24 frets, fast neck and a decent Floyd?
alexthecheese said:

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