are things like this possible in css3?

11 Oct 2008
Hey guys, I've been reading up on css3 and it seems like you can do quite a lot of things. I''ve been working on a browser based game for a few years now just for a little fun, and have been using images to create the health bar for example.

I was wondering, is it possible in css3 to create something that would resemble this health bar? or is that just too tricky for css?


If its possible i will look into it more.

cheers for any advice
I have a fairly good system in place to update the length and fills of the bars depending on health, its the css I'm struggling with, been playing with it all night with not much luck.

If anyone would like to recreate that image in css/html I will gladly pay them via paypal for their troubles.
If anyone would like to have a little go at this similar box in CSS, i would gladly pay them for their time also. Cheers

There would be no need for the blue image or the number 2, would only need the box and the writing at the bottom.

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