are we being embarrassed into not taking our change?

1 Dec 2003
i feel more and more shopkeepers / sales assistants in shops (generally smaller ones) are expecting you to walk away when you are due say between 1p and about 10pence.

i feel awkward standing waiting on 1p change, but why?
before you start to troll, I always look for the charity box to put this into OK ;)

recently i went into a butcher and got a few sausages, 1.40 iirc. i handed 1.50 over and his tone was to say 'thanks and goodbye'.
i kind of stood there and just told him to put the change in the poppy appeal box as he seemed to be stalling.

i don't think it's just me, I've noticed friends and other people just turn away a lot where smallish amounts of change are concerned.

i guess it's raises the question again about ditching the penny. if we round everything up could consumers be taken advantage of somehow? will charitys loose out?

i'll be interested to hear what folk do. maybe even a poll might be good. what do you do with small amounts of change - wait for it / walk away / charity box / something else?
I’ve always been given change. I wouldn’t want to be in a shopkeeper’s shoes if they didn’t want to give me my 1p change.

i don't think it's about whether or not you will be given it, i am always given it, but i feel there is sometimes an air that 'oh it's only a penny, why hang around for that'

I work in a shop, and I've noticed this from customers recently, but I assure you the embarrasment of waiting for small change is created entirely by the customer.

We don't care if you want your change or not, it's not like we get to keep it for ourselves (although this may differ if you're in a tiny shop run by a couple of people).

Anyway, don't let some weird sense of embarrasment keep you from your hard-earned money, and as an aside, dont give in to "tip" culture, we don't need it in a country that has minimum wage.

yes i agree it would have started with customers not wanting it or being slightly embarrassed but maybe it has become prolific that some shops expect you will walk away.

agree also on the tip culture. for excellent service, but hate this, 'you must tip no matter what' attitude. that's maybe for another thread, are people expecting tip now as a right almost
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I started using my credit cards for everything all the time about 5 years ago to get free airmiles and cashback which i then just pay off as soon as i get on my online banking, any change i do end up with ends up in self service machines because its just easy lol

this is what i try and do now. i used to have the mandatory penny jar, but i can't me farsed anymore. so just try and spend it now but throwing it into self service machines

or count out the right amount, which again i think some people get annoyed with. pubs especially i think paying for a pint
just remembered another occasion recently. manchester airport T3. had a meal, went to pay. was a couple quid under £20. handed £20 note over.
he said thanks again with the air of 'this is all for me aint it?'
i stood there and he took his sweet time to give me 1ps 5ps 10ps to make the £2 up.
i don't mind tipping but it's not a right
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