Are X2hr for £109 new worth it?

20 Sep 2019
Hi I'm new to the audiophile space but I've heard these headphones are a nice first step into the audiophile world.

For £109 are they worth it?

Use case
Fun gaming
Music + movie listening

From what I understand these headphones are great for the those use cases above but aren't the best for hearing where footsteps are coming from accurately.

maybe I could pick up ad700x when they go on sale if I want to soundwhore?

Or would it be better to just get a single pair of headphones, amp + dac and a mic?
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Thanks for the information.
between the x2hr and 990s which would you consider the more "fun" of the two?

if I want the best of both worlds of fun and competitive would this be a good setup?

Soundblaster X3 for surround
X2hr for fun and music
Ad700x/shp 9500/shp9600 for sound whoring

if I do get this X3 would it be a waste of money paired with these headphones as they're relatively easy to drive?

Basically I'm trying to get one headphone from one end of the spectrum (fun) and one from the other (comp)

Yeah, my man cave is quiet.

Was just reading about the 990s and they come across as the most polarising headphones lol. "Beyer spike" came up a lot.

I might just buy the x2hrs as £109 seems like a good price (would you agree?), as they don't require an amp and go from there.

I don't know too much about EQing but I've read if you're going to EQ get a headphone with good bass, as bass is easy to get rid of but not so easy to add.
Thanks I'm going to order them and see how I like em.

Yeah I saw x3s are coming out early next year but they'll probably cost £300+.

If I like the x2hrs and want to upgrade to x3s at a later date when they go on sale, at £109 I probably won't lose much money.

thanks for the help guys

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