Not really. Eve works, X3 doesn't!
X3 has to be the shoddiest excuse for a game ever released. I brought it on day of release, and since day one I, and many others on the Egosoft forum, have had nothing but problems. As Egosoft attempted to fix a problem with a new patch, each progressive patch just added more things that didn't work without fixing the original bugs! Plus there product support is dire beyonf belief! All they keep saying is that it's not their problem, it must be our systems. Even though every other game runs perfectly.
For instance, patch 1.3 made it so that it was impossible to fire a certain weapon, the PSG, without the game stuttering to a halt at about 1 frame every 4 seconds no matter what uber system you have.
Don't even get me started on about that bloody Starforce protection system!
In my opinion, X3 is like the plague, and should be avoided as such!