Are you a heel walker or a toe walker?

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2 Aug 2012
I generally walk around the house barefoot

I find that barefoot, I tend to put my weight on the balls of my feet rather than the heels

Even to the point where I often put no weight at all on my heels and basically just toe walk (particularly when going up/down stairs or anywhere else where I am having to be careful where I put my feet)

What do others do?
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super interesting thread on how people walk....

How people walk/run is rather more interesting than you might think.

The one thing that makes Humans different from other apes are not our opposable thumbs,

It seems to me that it is our feet.

They are actually very un-ape like and have, seeming to me, evolved to fulfil a very specific purpose that would have continued down a very interesting line of development had we remained "Wild Animals"

Human evolution is really very interesting and the "Big Brain" is only a minor part of it.
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