Are you British or English, Scotish, Welsh or Nothern Irish

30 Nov 2005
I dislike the term British and would rather be given the option to identify as English but most official forms don't allow this. Does anyone else feel the same?

English first, British second.

Anyone can claim to be British it seems now days!
Person A migrated from Jamaica to England in the 1950s/60s and has lived here ever since. They have UK citizenship. They perceive England as their home. They talk about it that way, it's their state of mind. They see themself as English. So do I.
Person B migrated from Jamaica to England in the 1950s/60s and has lived here ever since. They have UK citizenship. They perceive Jamaica as their home. They talk about it that way, it's their state of mind. They see themself as Jamaican. So do I.


This is the perfect answer!
people who don't see themselves as British don't adhere to our values and go out of their way to subvert our way of life. ( not all but some)
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