I run 4 x 512 Corsair 3200XL with a Winchester 3200 at the minute. (MSI K8N NEO2)
I did try to mix and match my 2 corsair sticks with 2 Patriot sticks that were the same timmings 5-2-2-2 and also TCCD sticks, but it was realy realy unstable mixed. luckily i was able to persaude a m8 to exchange his Corsair that was the same as my own for the Patriot (he was happy because it was fitted on a brainpower pcb) Once that was done my Ram and cpu combination has been 100 stable since making the change, fingers crossed
It's true that you do default to 166 (333) @ 2T due to the limitations of the winni memory controller though
The way i overcome this partialy is to overclock my CPU from its default 2000 to 2400 by raising the FSB by 40, this means my cpu now runs at 2.4 and my ram is now running at 200 (400) but still at 2T. My timmings are still at 5-2-2-2 at these settings.
From reading up and doing a few test runs i've come to the conclusion that the 2T rate has a minimal effect in "Real" world gaming, sure it makes a differance if your heavily into benchmarking especialy sisandra and everest etc, but for your average guy then gaming is where it counts.
TBH what i've done isn't a route i'd recomend but if like myself your forced to go this way for lack of money reasons i'd still think very carfully before you do it.
I think my Winni was sent by god to make my life easier seeing as it does everything i ask of it ie: clocks to 2.8 and runs 4 x 512 at 200 with 2T @ 5-2-2-2. Oh and also still runs even though i've removed the IHS from it and made it a naked CPU now
Hope this post has been a little bit usefull for anyone thinking of going the 4 x 512 route ?